New Avoca Ambulance Station Another Step Closer

Wednesday 13 July 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is boosting ambulance resources in the Pyrenees, giving paramedics the facilities and support they need to quickly respond to local emergencies and save lives.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas today announced planning is progressing on the new Avoca Ambulance Station, with a preferred site on Rowe Street named for the new multi-million-dollar station.

The new ambulance station will feature a three-bay garage for ambulances, two rest and recline areas for our hard-working paramedics to recuperate, relievers’ quarters, training facilities, a fully equipped kitchen and improved security and car parking to make sure paramedics are safe.

Delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) the location of the new station will ensure easy access to major highways and town services such as shops, education and aged care facilities and the recreation reserve. A builder is expected to be appointed later this year.

The Labor Government has invested about $250 million since 2015 to upgrade and rebuild ambulance stations to provide better working conditions for paramedics and ensure lifesaving emergency care is available for all Victorians.

There are 15 ambulance stations currently either under construction or about to begin, including in Melton South, Mornington, Taylors Lakes, Moe, Oak Park, Warragul, Inglewood and Ararat – meaning even more paramedics will be able to work from modern home bases, helping them deliver critical care to more Victorians.

The new stations form part of the Government’s continued investment in Ambulance Victoria, bolstered by an additional $124 million in the Victorian Budget 2022/23 to employ more paramedics, buy new vehicles and get more Victorians the care they need.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas

“We’re making sure paramedics in Avoca have the facilities they need to do what they do best – save lives.”

“We know that Victorians rely on the expertise, compassion and dedication of our paramedics. We also know that paramedics need modern workplaces, and the latest equipment to stay safe at work and deliver the best care.”

“We’re upgrading and building new ambulance stations across Victoria, including Avoca. Modern, advanced and well-located ambulance stations mean Victorians can receive the best lifesaving care, now – and into the future.”

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