Nectarine Growers To Get A Slice Of The Chinese Market

Thursday 26 May 2016

Victorian nectarine growers now have access to the Chinese market for the first time, following the agreement of new import protocols by Australian and Chinese Government officials in China last Friday.

The successful development of the new protocol reflects the strong collaboration between the Andrews Labor Government, the Commonwealth and the summerfruit industry.

This is a significant and meaningful breakthrough in tackling the technical barriers to trade that have become a frustrating and costly inhibitor of market access for so many Victorian food producers.

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford who visited China last year on a delegation tour said this is an historic moment for our summerfruit industry.

The Labor Government is supporting the state’s export focused sector by maintaining robust surveillance and monitoring systems, strengthening industry’s technical capability, and contributing to the development of commercially viable technical protocols.

The conditions in the protocol provide commercially viable export conditions and a range of treatment options, and for the first time include China’s recognition of mainland Australia’s fruit fly pest free areas.

In addition, China has recognised the Sunraysia and Cobram region of Victoria as being free from all fruit flies of quarantine concern except for Queensland fruit fly. Nectarines sourced from outside these recognised fruit fly pest free areas are required to undergo a treatment prior to exporting.

China is Victoria’s largest agricultural export market, with total food and fibre exports in 2014-15 reaching a record $2.8 billion.

Producers and exporters seeking more information about export opportunities to overseas markets can visit: in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford  

“Victorian nectarine producers now have the opportunity to take advantage of the second largest consumer market in the world.”

Quotes attributable to CEO of Summerfruit Australia Ltd John Moore

“We have been seeking market access to China  for 13 years and the result we have achieved is not only good for our industry but will provide benefits to other horticultural industries as well.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade Phillip Dalidakis

“China is already Victoria’s most important trade market and now our local horticulture exporters will be able to take advantage of this strong relationship to grow their thriving industry even further.”