Moyston Hall Given Drought Funding Boost

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Moyston Hall will be revitalised with the Andrews Labor Government today announcing a $330,000 grant for the redevelopment of the vital community asset.

In making the announcement, Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford praised the resilience and tenacity of Victorian communities hit hard by drought.

The Labor Government is fast tracking infrastructure projects such as this to create jobs and drive much-needed economic growth in drought-affected communities through its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund.

At the foot of the Grampians, Moyston has suffered under prolonged dry conditions, on top of the 2015 bushfire which directly affected 90 local properties. It was the third bushfire to impact the town in 10 years.

The Moyston Hall is a community hub for many events including dances, touring bands, art shows, weddings and social functions, school concerts, dinners, stage performances, fitness sessions. It also becomes the recovery centre during emergencies.

But poor access and amenities means that the hall is being used less and less, with significant social and economic consequences, including lost job opportunities.

The Labor Government grant will enable the Ararat Rural City Council to undertake works that include a new front access ramp and façade, upgrades to the kitchen and amenities, reinstatement of part of the stage, and internal painting.

The Labor Government is working closely with councils in drought-affected areas to bring forward a number of projects that will strengthen their economic and social base.

This funding boost is part of a broader $3 million infrastructure and events package announced today across Victoria’s north-western communities.

In November 2015, the Labor Government provided $1 million for infrastructure, events and planning initiatives for communities across the drought affected north-west.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“We are backing community infrastructure projects such as the redevelopment of the Moyston Hall to ensure drought-affected areas can keep their communities strong and resilient.”

“We know that investing in community assets is crucial for regional Victoria. They boost morale, bring families and sporting clubs together and raise the profile of the region.”

 “Through our $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, we are creating jobs, connecting communities and kick-starting economies in regional Victoria.”