- Published:
- Friday 20 November 2015
The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to create new jobs and boost the local economy in Stawell, with the second meeting of the Stawell Jobs Taskforce taking place today.
Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford, attended a meeting of the Stawell Jobs Taskforce to update members on key actions since the first roundtable meeting in April this year.
This meeting follows the release of the Labor Government’s Regional Statement earlier this week, which outlined the Government’s vision for our rural and regional communities.
The centrepiece of the Statement is the establishment of nine new Regional Partnerships across the state, with representatives from community, business and all three levels of government.
The new Wimmera Southern Mallee Region, which encompasses Shire of West Wimmera, Shire of Hindmarsh, Shire of Yarriambiack, Shire of Northern Grampians and Rural City of Horsham, will have its own Regional Partnership, ensuring government decisions and investments reflect the priorities of the families, workers and businesses who live and work in Wimmera Southern Mallee.
The new Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Partnership will complement the work undertaken by the Stawell Jobs Taskforce to identify challenges and practical opportunities for jobs growth in Stawell.
The Taskforce is a key component of the Labor Government’s $21.9 million landmark plan to create local jobs and secure Stawell’s future.
Other aspects of the plan include the completion of the Grampians Peak Trail, the delivery of $1.75 million to kick-start a particle physics laboratory at the Stawell Gold Mine and $500,000 to expand the Frewstal Lamb and Sheep Processing Plant.
The plan will boost international exports, create 440 local jobs and put the town at the cutting edge of scientific research.
Today’s taskforce meeting involved discussion around key priority actions, including:
- Economic opportunities for Grampians Peak Trail
- Opportunities related to the Stawell Underground Particle Physics Lab project
- Next steps for Stawell West Precinct
The Taskforce is supported by the Northern Grampians Shire Council and leading business and community leaders in the region.
Quotes attributable to the Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford
“We made a commitment to create jobs and ensure Stawell has a bright future – the Stawell Jobs Taskforce is part of our plan to get the local community back to work and kick-start economic growth.”
“Our new Regional Partnerships will ensure we are harnessing input directly from the Stawell community so that government decisions and investments reflect what really matters to local families and workers.”