More support for our multicultural communities

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Our state’s culturally diverse communities will get a Budget boost, with new funds for local projects and festivals.

The Andrews Labor Government’s Victorian Budget 2018/19 will deliver $43.6 million to improve multicultural community infrastructure, help migrants settle into Australia’s way of life and better support our state’s multicultural festivals and events.

From new community halls to our state’s cultural museums, the $17.1 million Multicultural Community Infrastructure Program will fix existing infrastructure and build new facilities for culturally diverse communities right across the state.

The funding will also improve access to services and make sure our cultural precincts continue to attract new visitors and tourists.

A further $8.6 million will respond to Victoria’s first African Communities Action Plan, helping to build leadership and social cohesion within these communities. And an additional $1.7 million will support culturally diverse youths at risk.

The Budget will also provide $1.4 million to expand the Multicultural Festivals and Events Program, and $300,000 to establish Victoria’s first Multicultural Safety Ambassadors Program, which will recruit well respected individuals in multicultural communities to promote safe workplace practices.

Victoria leads the way in support of multiculturalism and social cohesion, ensuring every Victorian can contribute and belong.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“With this investment we’re making sure Victorians from every background have the support they need to contribute and belong.”

“Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and we’re working with our proud multicultural communities to make Victoria safer, fairer and stronger.”