More Support To Keep Women And Children Safe

Thursday 17 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is helping thousands of women and children leave family violence and set up safe homes.

More than 5000 additional survivors of family violence can access packages up to $10,000 – up from $7000 – which can be used to cover costs like rent, home alarms, CCTV, clothing, books and education and training.

Flexible support packages also help case managers work with survivors through early intervention, crisis and recovery to assist with ongoing safety, stability and rehabilitation.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today visited inTouch to announce an extra $17.3 million for 19 agencies across Victoria to help deliver the service.

InTouch helps women from culturally diverse communities who often face additional barriers to leaving family violence.

The funding delivers on a number of recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

A record $1.9 billion package of measures to end family violence in Victoria was announced in the Victorian Budget 2017/18.

This funding is also being used to establish support and safety hubs, deliver after-hours crisis support, counselling and therapy for victims of family violence, and develop a 10-year plan.

The Labor Government also recently announced the creation of Family Safety Victoria – the state’s first agency solely dedicated to delivering family violence reform.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos         

“These packages are saving lives by giving women and children the stability and security they need to leave violent relationships.”

“This is also about recognising the needs of women and children from culturally diverse communities – by helping them in a more culturally sensitive and holistic way – ensuring they get the help they need.”

Quote attributable to Member for Richmond Richard Wynne

“Ending the scourge of family violence is a top priority for the Andrews Labor Government. Women and children leaving family violence often need urgent assistance, and that’s what we’re providing.”

Quotes attributable to interim InTouch Chief Executive Gerlinde Scholz

This extra funding will allow inTouch to help more women and children live safe lives free from violence. We are amazed by the courage, strength and resilience of our clients, who are vulnerable and in many cases marginalised due to cultural and language barriers.”

“We at inTouch experience the current family violence reforms in Victoria as a defining achievement of the Government. The whole sector has been mobilised to work together on transforming community attitudes, policy frameworks and service delivery.”