More Than 200 Illegal Monkey Bikes To Be Destroyed

Monday 28 August 2017

A Brunswick-based company caught selling banned monkey bikes will pay a hefty $10,000 fine and be forced to destroy the bikes at its own expense.

Consumer Affairs Victoria took action in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court against Big Aussie Deals after investigations revealed that the company had supplied banned miniature motorbikes.

The Andrews Labor Government is cracking down on the sale of dangerous monkey bikes, introducing tougher laws that give police greater powers to seize and impound monkey bikes used on Victoria’s roads.

Between May 2013 and May 2014, Big Aussie Deals supplied around 220 banned miniature motorbikes that do not comply with braking requirements.

Big Aussie Deals gave undertakings to the court that it will:

  • send a product safety recall notice to every person who bought a miniature motorbike between May 2013 and May 2014 and who has not already returned the vehicle
  • pay a full refund to anybody who, as a result of the product safety recall notice, returns the miniature motorbike
  • destroy all returned miniature motorbikes, at its own expense
  • maintain a product safety compliance program, and report its outcomes every year for three years to Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Banned miniature motorbikes that do not meet mandatory standards can cause serious injury and have tragically been involved in the loss of life in Victoria.

They are particularly dangerous around kids, with children suffering half of all injuries associated with monkey bikes.

For more information on unsafe miniature motorbikes that have been banned visit Product Safety Australia.

Anyone with concerns about the safety of a product can contact Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 36 48 94 or visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Consumer Affairs Marlene Kairouz

“Banned monkey bikes are dangerous and put lives at risk. Anyone caught selling them will be punished.”

“This prosecution sends a message to anyone trying to peddle illegal monkey bikes.”

“Consumer Affairs Victoria will continue monitoring traders to ensure any miniature motorbikes on the market are safe.”