Monitors To Guide Geelong’s New Council

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has appointed two municipal monitors to help restore good governance for the people of Geelong.

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins today announced Ms Jude Munro as primary monitor for the Greater Geelong City Council, and Mr Peter Dorling as a supporting monitor.

Ms Munro is a former Chief Executive Officer of the Brisbane City Council and also served as a commissioner for the Commission of Inquiry into the Greater Geelong City Council.

Mr Dorling is a former Executive Director of the Committee for Geelong and is currently an administrator to the Greater Geelong City Council.

The pair bring considerable experience to their roles and are familiar with the challenges facing Geelong. They will monitor the council as it continues to implement the findings of the Commission of Inquiry and the Council‘s long term plan.

The monitors will oversee and assist the council with its progress in implementing:

  • The findings and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry
  • The findings of the Council’s Workplace Culture Review
  • The good governance framework identified by the Commission of Inquiry
  • Council’s ‘Transformation’ Program and ‘Our Future’ 30-year vision
  • Council’s strategic and financial plans, planning framework and community grants programs.

Ms Munro and Mr Dorling will begin when the new Council meets for the first time after the October election and be in place until the council's general election in 2020

Voting for the Greater Geelong City Council 2017 General Election closes on October 27.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

This is a significant step towards restoring the services and governance people in Geelong deserve.”

The monitors will help Council implement the recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry, and ensure they deliver the services the community needs.