Mobster’s Mate Tries To Water Down Organised Crime Laws

Thursday 30 November 2017

Not content with eating lobsters with alleged mobsters, Liberal Leader Matthew Guy is now trying to water down laws that directly target organised crime to stop the harm they cause in our state.

The Andrews Labor Government’s Firearms Amendment Bill 2017 would put in place tough new Firearm Prohibition Orders (FPO), which are designed to step up the fight against criminals who use illegal firearms to threaten, assault, murder, and destroy the lives of innocent people.

The Government’s regime would give police the powers to search the premises or vehicles of anyone subject to a FPO, as well as anyone in the company of someone with an Order, without a warrant.

Our amendments have been brought in at the request of Victoria Police to help them in their fight against organised crime. It’s the biggest change to police powers targeting organised crime in a generation.

Organised crime, including outlaw motor cycle gangs, poses serious risks to Victoria. They are responsible for money laundering, illicit drug manufacturing, firearm trafficking, and are driving youth offending.

Instead of backing our police, the Liberals are desperately trying to water down and limit these powers.

The Liberal Party’s changes would reduce the duration of a Firearm Prohibition Order, limit the ability of police officers to issue an FPO, and create unworkable appeal mechanisms which only provide more opportunity for criminals to escape justice.

The advice on the powers Victoria Police needed was clear.

The Liberal changes significantly weaken the Firearm Prohibition Order regime and make fighting organised crime harder.

The Government has been working tirelessly over the past three days to convince the Opposition of problems associated with their amendments. Despite detailed advice the Opposition have not shown any interest in compromise.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Matthew Guy has been caught eating lobsters with alleged mobsters and now he’s doing their bidding in the Parliament.”

“This is a disgrace and does not provide Victoria Police with the powers they need. The Liberals are more interested in protecting the civil liberties of organised criminals than protecting the victims of crime.”

“The only people to benefit from the Liberal Party’s changes are organised crime figures who use illegal firearms and cause significant harm in our community.”