Mobster’s Mate Ignores Police To Water Down Gun Laws

Monday 5 February 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has announced it will not weaken the Firearm Prohibition Order Scheme and won’t accept any of the Liberal Party amendments to the Firearms Amendment Bill, which disgracefully seek to support organised crime figures over victims.

These tough new laws - that are supported and required by Victoria Police - are designed to step up the fight against criminals who use illegal firearms to destroy the lives of innocent people.

The Liberal party amendments do nothing except only weaken the ability of Victoria Police to target organised crime gangs who use firearms.

Victoria Police have said these laws are a game changer when it comes to disrupting organised crime – and they want these laws passed.

They will give police the powers to search the premises or vehicles of anyone subject to a Firearm Prohibition Order, as well as anyone in the company of someone with an Order, without a warrant.

These laws have proven very effective in NSW, driving down the number of shootings and other offences like armed robberies which traumatise victims. Watering these powers down just dilutes their effectiveness.

Organised crime is responsible for much of the drug related harm and organised youth offending we have experienced in Victoria. These laws will have a very real impact on their activities.

Matthew Guy’s amendments show he is in the pocket of organised crime.

Not content with eating lobsters with alleged mobsters, Matthew Guy now wants to limit police powers that directly target organised crime.

His amendments would reduce the duration of a Firearm Prohibition Order, limit the ability of police officers to issue an FPO, and create unworkable appeal mechanisms that do nothing but provide more opportunity for criminals to escape justice.

Matthew Guy continues to ignore the experts despite being provided detailed advice about the problems associated with these amendments.

It’s clear that Matthew Guy is more concerned with protecting the rights of criminals than keeping Victorians safe.

The only people to benefit from the Liberal Party’s changes are organised crime figures who cause significant harm in our community.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

 “We won’t be accepting any amendments to the Bill or tolerating any attempts by the Liberals to water down this crucial piece of legislation.”

“If Matthew Guy’s not eating lobsters with alleged mobsters, he’s watering down laws that target organised crime.”

“Whose side is he on – is he on the side of Victoria Police or is he on the side of gangs and organised crime?”