Minister Welcomes Road Safety Camera Website

Monday 16 February 2015

Victorians will be able to see images of themselves running red lights or speeding through intersections on a website that goes live at 6pm tonight.

The new free service, at in a new window), will allow people who have received a traffic infringement notice to easily verify the image of their offence.

This will increase the transparency of the road-safety camera system and means drivers need no longer personally visit Civic Compliance Victoria in Melbourne’s CBD to see the images or pay $7.50 to have them posted.

The online library, which goes back to November 2014, will hold images for six months.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Corrections, Wade Noonan

“This website will make the road safety camera system more transparent. It will be hard for motorists to refute those images once they see them.’’

“No one likes receiving a speeding fine or a red light camera fine, but we want to keep Victorians safe and road safety cameras are an important part of that program.’’

?This website will be an enormous benefit to regional Victorians who can’t come to Melbourne to see their images and are forced to spend money to have them posted.’’

Key facts

  • Drivers must pass a two-step identification process before they can see their images. This includes providing the obligation number from the infringement notice, the offence date, offence code, vehicle registration number or driver’s licence number.
  • About 1.34 million infringements were issued in 2013-2014 from offences detected by road safety cameras.
  • In 2013-2014, more than 50,000 people saw images of their vehicles involved in driving offences at Civil Compliance Victoria.
  • Of the images seen at Civic Compliance Victoria in 2013-2014
    • 50 per cent were for speeding offences.
    • 47 per cent were for red-light offences.
    • 2 per cent were for tolling offences (toll road images will not be included online).
    • 1 per cent for unregistered vehicle offences.
  • Payments for images posted between 2013 and 2014 totalled $89,693 (about 12,000 requests).