Minister Visits Belgrave South Primary School

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Minister for Education and Member for Monbulk, James Merlino, today visited Belgrave South Primary to give students an insight into life in the Andrews Labor Government.

Mr Merlino spoke to Year 6 students about the Government’s areas of responsibility – including education, health, transport, housing and community services - as well as his role as a Minister and as Deputy Premier.

As part of their studies, Year 6 students spend a term looking at the roles and responsibilities of each level of government and how laws are made.

Belgrave South Primary invites a representative from each level of government to speak to students about how and why people choose politics as a career, the topics currently being debated in parliament and legislation in the pipeline.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget invests almost $4 billion in Victoria’s education and skills system – representing the single biggest boost to education funding in Victoria’s history.

The Budget provides $325 million to renovate, refurbish or rebuild 67 schools. It will fund the first stage of an extensive asbestos removal program so that families can be assured their children are being educated in safe schools.

It also includes $180 million for programs that will help families cover the extra costs of education, like camps, excursions and uniforms, so no child misses out.

Hundreds of Victorians shared their ideas and experiences in the Education State consultations which concluded earlier this month. Announcements about future education initiatives will be made in the coming months.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“Belgrave South Primary is a great example of how Victorian children are being supported to reach their full potential, no matter what their background.”

“I’d like to recognise Principal Kerryn Baillie and the teachers and support staff for their great commitment to students and families.”

“We’re investing almost $4 billion to make Victoria the Education State, so every community has a great local school and every child gets the chance to succeed.”