Metropolitan Partnerships Set To Deliver In 2020

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Minister for Suburban Development Marlene Kairouz has kicked off the year for Melbourne’s leading engagement program at the Metropolitan Partnerships conference.

Over the past three years, the Andrews Labor Government’s Partnerships have engaged with more than 8000 Melburnians to develop and deliver local projects and priorities, with the 2020 conference focused on sharing ideas for the year ahead.

The Partnerships have a broad membership including business, community, local government and state government representatives.

Since 2017, the Metropolitan Partnerships have worked to improve outcomes in each of Melbourne’s six metropolitan regions – Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western, Inner South East and Inner Metro.

They are invaluable for tapping into community networks to identify regional priorities and in advocating for new local infrastructure and services.

Initiatives put in place by the Government based on Partnership recommendations include:

  • Investments in world-class hospitals and health facilities, including a new $1.5 billion Footscray Hospital due to open in 2025
  • Funded three-year old kinder introduced in the Victorian Budget 2019/20
  • The equivalent of 170 Royal Botanic Gardens in new parkland, walking trails, bike trails, pocket parks and dog parks to be created under a $154 million program to boost relaxation and exercise options in the suburbs.

Other issues addressed by the Partnerships have included social and affordable housing, transport connections, loneliness and social isolation, strip shopping, and waste and recycling.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Suburban Development Marlene Kairouz

“Since the Metropolitan Partnerships were established, we have achieved significant outcomes for many communities, and I want to thank our members for all that they have done to make this happen.”

“The program has gone from strength to strength, attracting dedicated members and enhancing community input into public policy.”

“While we have achieved a great deal, there is more we can do, and I look forward to another productive year of engagement with, and great outcomes for, communities across Melbourne.”