Mavenlink Chooses Melbourne For Asia Pacific HQ

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has attracted another US technology company to Melbourne to set up an Asia-Pacific headquarters, creating 30 new jobs by 2020 and boosting Melbourne’s status as Australia’s tech capital.

Melbourne’s reputation as the best location for tech companies to base Asia Pacific operations is growing rapidly, with Mavenlink investing in Victoria because the state provides the support the company needs to accelerate growth in the region.

Mavenlink, which specialises in cloud-based project management software, has been ranked as one of North America’s fastest growing tech companies by Deloitte – having grown by 1,446 per cent over a three-year period.

The company now has clients from over 100 countries using its software, and recently opened its European headquarters in London as well as expanding its operations in the US.

The Labor Government is investing in the state’s tech sector to make Victoria the number one destination for tech investment in the Asia Pacific.

Technologies such as Mavenlink’s software will promote innovation which is crucial to the future growth of the sector and the jobs the sector supports. Since November 2014 more than 3,100 new tech jobs have been created across Victoria from direct investment alone.

As the world’s most liveable city, Melbourne offers companies a great lifestyle for their staff and families, as well as boasting a deep digital tech and professional services talent pool.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Trade and Investment Luke Donnellan

“It’s great to see Mavenlink join the abundance of US tech companies choosing to base themselves right here in Australia’s technology and innovation capital.”

“By bringing the best tech companies from around the world here, we’re supporting the industries that will drive our future economy and creating jobs for Victorians.”

Quotes attributable to Mavenlink’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer Ray Grainger

"We’re excited to launch our Asia-Pacific headquarters in Melbourne, which attracted us with its expanding and vibrant technology sector, skilled workforce and supportive State Government.”

“It’s pleasing to have the support of the Victorian Government behind us and this expansion will enable us to reinforce our rapidly growing Asia-Pacific client-base, and accelerate growth in the region.”

Quotes attributable to Mavenlink General Manager for the Asia-Pacific region Joe Thymian

“It’s an honour to have the Victorian Government supporting the launch of our Asia-Pacific headquarters in Melbourne.”

“We've been very fortunate to have had a significant and growing interest in our product in Australia over the past couple of years, and look forward to using this opportunity to further enhance our offering."