Liberals Slammed For Trying To Stop The Metro Tunnel

Tuesday 7 February 2017

The Liberals will today try to stop construction on the Metro Tunnel – the biggest and most important public transport project in Victoria since the City Loop.

The Liberals have introduced an Upper House motion to block the $10.9 billion project that they abandoned when in government, putting at risk thousands of Victorian jobs.

The Metro Tunnel is at the top of Infrastructure Australia’s priority list. It will create space for more trains, more often, right across Melbourne.

This Liberal stunt follows a failed attempt by the Opposition last year to stop the removal of nine of Victoria’s worst level crossings on Melbourne’s busiest rail line.

After four years of doing nothing, they are now trying to stop Labor delivering its record investment in public transport.

The previous Liberal Government did not start a single major public transport project – leaving Victorian passengers stranded on crowded trains and clogged roads.

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering the biggest investment in the transport in Victoria’s history, including the Metro Tunnel, 50 level crossing removals and more than 100 new trains and trams.

These huge projects will create more than 10,000 jobs, and get people across Victoria home safer and sooner.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

 “The Liberals built nothing in government and are now trying to block everything in Opposition.”

“These stunts do nothing to create Victorian jobs, they do nothing to run more trains and they will not stop us building the Metro Tunnel.”

“The Liberals need to get out of the way while we get on with delivering the major road and rail projects people across Melbourne need to get home safer and sooner.”