Liberals Scrambling On Opposition To North East Link

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Another day, and the flip-flopping Liberal Leader has another position on the urgently needed North East Link.

Despite making clear he won’t build the North East Link, Matthew Guy today told reporters that he “welcomes money for North East Link” announced in last night’s Federal Budget.

This is in stark contrast to this time last week, when he told the ABC that he wouldn’t sign contracts for North East Link if he won the next election.

And is different again to what he said yesterday, when he confirmed that he wouldn’t consider building the North East Link for at least another decade – until after he’s finished on his dud East West Link.

While the flailing Liberal Leader says whatever he thinks is necessary to get him through the next media interview, what is in no doubt is that only the Andrews Labor Government will build the North East Link.

People stuck in traffic on Rosanna Road, Lower Plenty Road and Fitzsimons Lane know this road is needed as soon as possible – and only a Labor Government will deliver it.

The $16.5 billion North East Link is the biggest transport project in Victorian history and is rated as the most urgent road project in the state by the independent Infrastructure Victoria.

It will create 10,000 jobs, remove 15,000 trucks off local streets, and take 9,000 vehicles off local traffic hotspots like Rosanna Road.

Planning for the North East Link began in December 2016, with the Victorian Budget 2018/19 providing an additional $110 million to fast-track the project ready to go to market within 100 days of a re-elected Andrews Labor Government.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan

“Matthew Guy is flip-flopping and flailing all over the place – you simply can’t trust a word he says.”

“Every day he comes up with a new position – and every one of them tells local residents who desperately need this road to get trucked.”

“Only Labor will build the North East Link – a vitally important project that takes thousands of trucks off residential streets and gives local roads back to local residents.”