Liberals Said No to Life Saving Emergency Treatment

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The previous Liberal Government ignored a lifesaving emergency response trial, a secret report has revealed.

A trial combining CFA and Ambulance Victoria units as first responders for time-critical heart attack patients revealed faster treatment and better survival rates.

The report found that the survival rates for those patients first treated by the CFA were double that of those defibrillated by Ambulance Victoria: 43 per cent compared to 21 per cent.

CFA responders for suspected cardiac arrests had a response time of 12.6 minutes compared to 15.1 minutes for Ambulance Victoria alone. Every minute of delay reduces the chances of survival by 12 per cent.

The 12 month trial review – which ended in 2012 – was staged at five CFA integrated brigades at Cranbourne, Dandenong, Hallam, Springvale and Shepparton.

The previous Liberal Government chose not only to keep the report secret; it did not act on any of its findings.

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to rolling out the lifesaving program to all integrated CFA stations. The Government will fund specialist training so fire fighters can give basic life support and CPR, and be equipped with defibrillators.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services, Jane Garrett

“The Liberals chose to ignore the findings of this report and put lives at risk.”

“This report should have been acted upon. Its findings should have been implemented. Lives could have been saved.”

"We will introduce this life saving program at all integrated stations, because every second counts in an emergency. Our plan will save lives."