Liberals Donation Rorts Scandal – When The Going Gets Tough, Guy Gets Hiding

Thursday 11 August 2022

Embattled Opposition Leader Matthew Guy again failed to front the media yesterday, prompting Victorians everywhere to ask one simple question: Where’s Matthew?

After Monday’s trainwreck interview on 3AW, Mr Guy has been nowhere to be seen – dodging questions about the donation rorts scandal, now into its 11th day.

On Wednesday, leadership aspirant Georgie Crozier was sent out to cover for Mr Guy – but couldn’t even bring herself to call him “the leader”, stating:

“There is a very hungry young team in Ma… in the…  in Matthew’s office.” – Media Conference, 10 August 2022

It’s a wonder Ms Crozier was sent out again yesterday, given she also revealed the fact the Liberal Party is “in full campaign mode” during work hours and at taxpayer expense.

Mr Guy’s office is also falling apart, with a third and fourth member of his staff reportedly leaving yesterday. As Ms Crozier made clear on Wednesday, Opposition staff have quit due to the workload associated with the Liberal Opposition being in “full campaign mode”.

It’s been:

  • Three days since his last tweet
  • Three days since his last public event
  • Four days since his last media appearance (the trainwreck 3AW interview)
  • Four days since his last press conference
  • Fourteen days since a press conference was last livestreamed on his Facebook

If Matthew Guy really wants the top job, he needs to front up when the going gets tough.

Victorians deserve nothing less.

Quote attributable to the Minister for Government Services Danny Pearson

“Where’s Matthew?”

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