Liberals Backflip On Renewable Energy Yet Again

Tuesday 8 March 2022

The Victorian Liberals’ backflip on renewable energy is nothing more than a desperate stunt in the lead up to the election.

On the same day he announced the Liberals now believe in emissions targets, Shadow Spokesperson for the Environment and Climate Change James Newbury has been benched.

Instead, the Shadow Treasurer David Davis was pushed out to try and fool Victorians about the Opposition’s record. Today, Mr Davis told ABC Melbourne listeners:

“Every time a Bill going through laying out targets has gone through the Parliament we have supported or not opposed it. So the truth of the matter is if you want to go and check the parliamentary record you’ll find that the decisions and the Government’s targets have been waved through the parliament by the opposition.”

In fact, the Liberals have opposed or tried to gut the following bills:

  • Climate Change Bill 2016
  • Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Bill 2017
  • Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Amendment Bill 2019
  • Energy Legislation Amendment (Licence Conditions) Bill 2020
  • Energy Legislation Amendment (Energy Fairness) Bill 2021 

That’s their record.

Today, the Liberals claimed they want to provide certainty for the market. Just four days ago, they opposed our nation leading offshore wind targets – targets that will create thousands of jobs and generate investment right here in Victoria.

The Victorian Liberals can’t be trusted when it comes to the environment, climate change and renewable energy. Matthew Guy’s legacy on renewable energy remains banning wind farms during his time as Planning Minister – a move the industry warned would cost Victoria up to $3 billion.

In contrast, the Andrews Labor Government’s track record on climate change couldn't be clearer. We're unlocking thousands of jobs through offshore wind, VRET is creating 24,000, our Solar Homes program is delivering 5,500 jobs and we've delivered the lowest power prices in the last five years.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“Matthew Guy’s greatest legacy when it comes to climate change is banning wind farms, destroying our renewable energy sector and blocking thousands of jobs.”

“The Liberal have a plan to do net zero on climate change – only the Andrews Labor Government will continue to deliver thousands of jobs through renewable energy.” 

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