Landmark Legislation Passes To Protect Macedon Ranges

Thursday 24 May 2018

Victoria’s most iconic natural areas will now have better developmental protection than ever before, thanks to the passage of the Andrews Labor Government’s Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Bill 2017.

The Bill was a key Labor Government election commitment to protect the iconic and historic Macedon Ranges region by declaring the Ranges a distinctive area – strengthening planning controls and protecting the region from inappropriate development.

The Macedon Ranges boasts some of Victoria’s most picturesque settings, stunning wildlife and a renowned food and wine sector – and thanks to this landmark legislation will remain that way for years to come.

The Bill will also complement the ongoing development of the Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement, which ensures policy reflects the community’s vision for the future of Macedon Ranges.

This includes settlement boundaries around townships in the area, ensuring development doesn’t encroach on valued natural landscapes.

The settlement boundaries will apply to the townships of Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey, Riddells Creek, Lancefield and Woodend.

They will be subject to the same rigorous protections of Melbourne’s permanent Urban Growth Boundary – and will require parliamentary approval to amend them.

The Labor Government will continue to work closely with the community to get the Localised Planning Statement right and will continue listening every step of the way.

The Labor Government established the Macedon Ranges Protection Advisory Committee in 2015 to work with the community and the council on how best to protect what makes the Macedon Ranges special.

The Committee made 12 recommendations and the Government has accepted them all.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“The Macedon Ranges has a unique history, and thanks to the passage of this legislation we’re giving it a safe and secure future – not just for locals, but all Victorians.”

“This landmark legislation will lock down the treasured natural landscapes that should never be encroached on – and encourage development in appropriate areas to ensure townships grow sustainably.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“The Macedon Ranges is one of Victoria’s most beautiful and environmentally sensitive areas, so it’s only fitting that this is the first place to receive protection from this new legislation.”

“This Bill means the amenity and landscapes of the Macedon Ranges will be preserved for generations to come.”