Labor Government Opens New Ambulance Station For Sale

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Patients in Sale will get the urgent care they need faster and paramedics now have the safe, modern base they deserve thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy today joined hard-working local paramedics to open the cutting-edge Sale Ambulance Branch on Cunningham Street.

The new branch replaces an ageing ambulance station that was more than 50 years old, and lacked the proper training space and rest facilities that our paramedics need and deserve.

The new Sale Ambulance Station features a spacious garage for the latest ambulance vehicles, and safe and modern facilities for paramedics, complete with lounge areas and a kitchen.

The new building is home to 32 paramedics from six teams, including highly-trained MICA paramedics – ensuring that help is on its way when a patient needs it.

Ms Hennessy also opened the new ambulance station in Traralgon, while Orbost’s new station also opened earlier this year. It features a training room, lounge areas for paramedics and a kitchen.

The Liberals plunged Victoria’s ambulance system into crisis as they went to war with paramedics, prompting response times to become the worst on the mainland. The Labor Government has fixed the Liberals’ mess.

The Labor Government’s $500 million plan to slash response times includes hiring 450 more paramedics, building more stations all over Victoria and putting the latest, cutting-edge vehicles out on the road.

The latest response times data shows the Labor Government’s investments are paying off, with 57.9 per cent of ambulances now arriving within 15 minutes for Code One emergencies in the Wellington Shire – up from 54.5 per cent 12 months prior.

The average time for an ambulance to reach the scene of a Code 1 emergency in Wellington Shire has improved from 17.32 minutes to 16.55 minutes.

You can’t trust the Liberals when it comes to health. They cut a billion dollars from health when they were last in power, and they’ll do it again if they get the chance.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy

“Sale’s paramedics are there for the community when an emergency strikes. We’re giving them what they need to deliver the very best care.”

“The new Sale Ambulance Station gives paramedics the safe, modern facilities they deserve, with room to grow into the future.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“We’re giving our paramedics the facilities they deserve – and with some of the fastest ambulance response times on record, we’re also investing in the best ambulance services for Gippslanders now and into the future.”