Labor Government Helping Small Rural Kindergartens

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is providing greater certainty for families and kindergarten staff in rural Victoria, with an additional $500,000 in funding for small rural kindergarten services.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today announced that a new base level of funding for very small rural services with eight or fewer children enrolled will be introduced from 2016.

For Victoria’s smallest kindergartens this will provide up to $33,000 to help keep their services strong and viable in the face of fluctuating enrolments.

In November, the Labor Government announced that further support will be targeted to families and kindergartens experiencing financial hardship as a direct result of the drought.

This funding boost will be on top of the higher funding rates already available to kindergarten services operating in rural areas.

The current rates are in recognition of the challenges faced by these communities, particularly relating to their smaller population base.

This support is part of the Labor Government’s commitment to make Victoria the Education State, ensuring families can access high quality early years education and care regardless of their postcode.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Operating a kindergarten service in a rural or remote area can be challenging, particularly when enrolments shift from year to year.”

“We are helping families and staff at small rural kindergartens by providing certainty to shore up their services and plan for the future.”

“We are making Victoria the Education State – this means making sure Victorian families can access high quality early childhood education and care no matter where they live.”