Kick Starting Jobs And Growth In Renewable Energy

Friday 27 November 2015

The Andrews Labor Government today launched the tender process to source renewable energy certificates from new projects in Victoria, which will bring forward around $200 million of new investment in renewables.

Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio made the announcement at the sod turning for a new 75 turbine wind farm at Ararat, calling for companies to register proposals for new renewable energy projects.

The electricity purchasing power initiative is part of the Labor Government’s Renewable Energy Roadmap.

It is expected to create around 1,000 direct and indirect jobs during the construction of the new projects, with most of the new jobs based in regional Victoria where wind and solar projects are located.

Under the program, the Labor Government will use its electricity purchasing power to buy at least 100 megawatts of  ‘renewable energy certificates’ from new Victorian renewable energy projects.

Certificates are credited to renewable energy companies for the power they produce under the national renewable energy target. Currently, electricity retailers include the certificate price in the amount they charge the Victorian Government for electricity.

By purchasing certificates directly from new Victorian wind and solar projects instead, the Andrews Labor Government can use its purchasing power to drive new projects to be built in Victoria, and create jobs and investment in the state.

Companies need to register their interest by Friday, 11 December 2015 in order to receive notifications on this tender, with tenders to open in January 2016.

Information on how to register, and to participate in an industry information forum on Friday, 11 December 2015 can be found at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy and Resources, Lily D’Ambrosio

“We are determined to use our purchasing power as a large electricity consumer to boost investment in renewables and  create new jobs for Victorians.”

"The renewable energy certificate tender process announced today is expected to attract competitive proposals for renewable energy projects worth around $200 million and create about 1,000 jobs.”