Keeping Victoria’s Environment Clean And Safe

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Additional support to keep Victorians safe from bushfires, protect our natural environment and help local communities adapt to climate change will be received under a new environmental package announced by the Andrews Labor Government.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 provides $248 million to increase our capacity to respond to bushfires, protect Victoria’s threatened native species and help our communities tackle climate change.

This includes $74 million to keep Victorians safe from the threat of bushfires, with:

  • Increased project fire fighters across the state
  • A digital upgrade to radio communications
  • More aerial surveillance and helicopter detection activities
  • Critical maintenance work on fire towers, fire trucks, bulldozers and other firefighting equipment
  • More heavy plant equipment to assist with clearing hazardous tress

This is on top of a new, more integrated approach to planned burning across Victoria, with fuel management just one of a range of different management actions taken to protect lives, homes, jobs and the environment.

The Labor Government’s funding to protect Victoria’s natural environment includes:

  • $48.2 million for a major upgrade of the Visitor Centre at Phillip Island Nature Parks’ Penguin Parade, one of Australia’s most popular wildlife attractions
  • $20 million for Parks Victoria, including funding over four years to revitalise infrastructure to encourage more visitors and nature based tourism.
  • $33.4 million to tackle weeds and pests and targeted on-ground actions to protect Victoria's threatened species such as the Leadbeater’s Possum and Helmeted Honeyeater
  • $21.1 million to support the activities and volunteers of Landcare and Trust for Nature in their efforts to protect the environment and preserve biodiversity
  • $21 million over four years to create jobs and drive innovation in the waste and resource recovery sector

The Labor Government’s funding to help Victorians adapt to climate change includes $30.1 million to replace and upgrade coastline infrastructure, to help beach renourishment and reduce beach erosion, as well increased monitoring to support local communities manage the impacts of climate change on our coastline.

Victorians will also receive much needed help to combat the impacts of climate change, drought and floods under new measures to boost water security.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“Victoria’s natural environment not only makes it a great place to live and work, but it’s a huge drawcard for visitors.

“These measures will help protect these much loved tourism attractions like the Phillip Island penguins for future generations.”

“By keeping Victorians safe from the threat of bushfires and protecting our natural environment, we are helping communities across our state manage and adapt to the impacts of climate change.”