Issues Paper To Assist Royal Commission Submissions

Thursday 2 April 2015

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Fiona Richardson, has welcomed the release of an issues paper from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, which will assist individuals and organisations to lodge written submissions.

Submissions are open for victims of family violence or individuals and organisations who have come into contact with people that have been affected. Submissions can be made anonymously and confidentially, or publicly.

The Commission, headed by the Hon. Marcia Neave, will report back to the Government in February 2016.

Public hearings are expected to be held mid-year and will include local stakeholders, experts and organisations.

Submissions close on May 29.

For information on how to make a submission, and a copy of the issues paper, visit in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Fiona Richardson

“The Royal Commission will identify practical solutions to eliminate the harm caused by family violence. It will tell us how we can do better – because we must.”

“Royal Commissions shine a spotlight on issues in a way no other inquiry can and I urge stakeholders, organisations and victims to make their voices heard.”