Infrastructure Victoria Releases Draft 30 Year Strategy

Monday 3 October 2016

Infrastructure Victoria is calling for community feedback following the release of its draft 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy.

In the development of the draft plan, Infrastructure Victoria consulted the community on over 200 ideas across a number of different areas, including transport, health, energy and community development.

The draft strategy includes proposals to increase housing density in established areas to make better use of existing infrastructure, and boosting investment for social and affordable housing.

It also supports a range of statewide transport upgrades across rail and road, boosting health services in growth areas and developing a 5-year plan for rebuilding Victoria’s schools.

Once the Andrews Labor Government has the final report, we will respond with a five-year Infrastructure Plan outlining our priority projects and funding commitments. Infrastructure Victoria will assess our progress against this plan.

In the meantime, the government is getting on with delivering the projects that Victorians voted on and need, and which are creating thousands of jobs.

This includes building the Metro Tunnel that doubles the capacity of the city loop; the Western Distributor that gives Melbourne a crucial second river crossing; and the removal of 50 of our most dangerous and congested level crossings.

The final strategy will be delivered in December and will be a landmark first for Victoria, ensuring our state has a long term pipeline of infrastructure projects.

To have your say on the draft strategy please visit by 31 October 2016.

Quotes attributable to the Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“Through the development of a landmark 30 year strategy, Victoria will have a steady pipeline of projects to grow our state, create jobs and keep us number one.”

“While Infrastructure Victoria finalises its strategy, we’re getting on with the projects that Victorians need, including the Metro Tunnel, the Western Distributor, and the removal of 50 of our most dangerous and congested level crossings.”

“We thank Infrastructure Victoria for its work and I encourage Victorians to have their say in the coming weeks.”