Independent Infrastructure Report Leaves Matthew Guy’s Credibility In Tatters

Monday 3 October 2016

Matthew Guy’s credibility is in tatters following the release of a landmark report into Victoria’s infrastructure needs for the next thirty years.

The independent Infrastructure Victoria (IV) has today handed down its draft 30-year Infrastructure Strategy, based on months of public consultation and thousands of pages of evidence.

It finds that Matthew Guy’s favourite two infrastructure projects are costly white elephants that don’t stack up and are not priorities for our state.

Infrastructure Victoria concludes that connecting South Yarra Station to the Metro Tunnel is not needed, is too costly, and would provide “no net benefit” to Victorians.

This evidence is in line with the Metro Tunnel business case, which Matthew Guy and the Liberals continue to ignore.

The report also confirms that the dud East West Link project is not a priority for our state and may never be needed at all.

Under new expert modelling, IV has found the project would lose 30-40 cents for every dollar of investment, with “Iittle effect overall on road and public transport demand”.

The detailed analysis also finds that the project could actually increase congestion in Melbourne’s eastern and northern suburbs.

Other road projects, including the proposed North East Link, were rated higher on almost every metric.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Major Projects Jacinta Allan

“Matthew Guy’s credibility is in tatters, with independent experts confirming that his two favourite infrastructure projects just don’t stack up.”

“It’s time Matthew Guy stopped being so reckless and started supporting projects that actually reduce congestion and get people moving.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan

“The Liberals must dump these costly and destructive plans, and rule out wasting Victorian taxpayers money on projects that don’t stack up.”

“Independent experts have confirmed that the East West Link is not a priority for our state, could actually lead to more congestion in Melbourne’s eastern and northern suburbs, and may never be needed at all.”