Increased Safety For Motorcyclists

Saturday 19 March 2016

Victorian motorcyclists will have a safer start on the road with phase two of the new Motorcycle Graduated Licence Scheme (GLS) coming into effect this weekend.

From today, riders applying for their learners licence in metropolitan Melbourne and Geelong will be required to undertake more extensive training and testing as part of the learner licence phase. The scheme will come into effect in the rest of Victoria on 2 April.

2016 has already seen vulnerable motorcyclists become overrepresented in this year’s fatalities. Alarmingly, 23 motorcyclists have lost their lives in road crashes since 1 January, compared to 30 for all of 2015.

Phase two of the Motorcycle GLS will help to ensure that new riders have both the knowledge and the real experience to become safer riders on Victoria’s roads.

The training - which inludes theory and practical assesments - has a greater emphasis not only on basic skills but also higher order skills such as awareness, judgement and decision making.  This will help riders to develop a better understanding of safe riding practices.

The practical training will include off-road exercises in a controlled environment and on-road training with applicants assessed after two days.

Motorcycle L platers will also need to take part in Check Ride – a one day activity session  providing advice on safe riding skills and strategies during the high-risk learner phase.

Phase two of the system serves as an important reminder to riders about the importance of safe riding practices on Victoria’s roads.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Roads and Roads Safety Luke Donnellan

“The rate of motorcycle crashes in Victoria this year  is alarming. Many of these recent crashes involved speed and inexperience which is very serious.”

While the majority of riders are skilled, more needs to be done to protect the minority being in tragic crashes.”

“We know that better preparation before getting out on the road can lead to increased safety and less crashes and that’s why phase two of the Motorcycle Graduated Licensing System is so important.”

The Motorcycle Graduated Licensing System is designed to help riders harness the right blend of knowledge and practical skills to become safe and experienced riders.”