Improving Stormwater Management For Healthy Communities

Friday 1 June 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has established a dedicated advisory committee to improve stormwater management, to create more liveable cities and healthier waterways and improve Victoria’s environment.

The Improving Stormwater Management Advisory Committee will provide independent advice to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne and Minister for Water Lisa Neville on how to improve stormwater management and strengthen the links between planning and urban water management across Victoria.

Victoria is growing fast, with stormwater runoff predicted to increase by almost 50 per cent by 2051. Given this strong growth, our towns and cities need to become more ‘water sensitive’, to protect the environment and improve quality of life for current and future generations.

The Committee will advise on issues such as the types of developments needed to manage stormwater impacts and how they can be delivered, and will seek advice and views from key stakeholders and the community.

It will also provide advice to the Minister for Planning to help strengthen the links between urban water management and the planning and development system more broadly, and shape urban planning principles around how to best filter or redirect water.

New planning initiatives will likely include a review of planning and building systems to support environmentally sustainable development or the re-use of stormwater in the urban landscape, such as capturing and using it for localised irrigation, to support green space vegetation.

The Committee is made up of experts from across the water and planning sectors, who bring a wealth of experience to the table, including Committee Chair and Water Sensitive Cities Stakeholder Engagement Executive Director Chris Chesterfield.

Mr Chesterfield has over 30 years’ experience in the public sector and is nationally recognised for his leadership in waterway and urban water management.

Additional Committee members include planning experts Susan Porter and Julie Katz, and environmental and resource economist Jeremy Cheesman.

The Committee will begin seeking community input to guide its deliberations in coming weeks.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

The Committee taps into the highest level of water and planning expertise to improve stormwater management on this highly complex but important issue.”

“Good stormwater management is vital to ensure the health and amenity of our waterways for people, plants and animals.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“Aligning land use and water management planning will benefit the community by creating more resilient cities and towns with stronger and healthier waterways.”