Improving Access To Women’s Health In Melbourne’s North

Tuesday 19 December 2023

The Allan Labor Government is delivering on its election commitment to establish more sexual and reproductive health hubs across Victoria, with Melbourne’s north to welcome two new dedicated sites in early 2024.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas today announced DPV Health Medical Centre in Mill Park and Nexus Primary Health in Wallan will become hubs – delivering free or low-cost sexual and reproductive healthcare services for women, girls and gender diverse people with no referral required for most services.

Focused on breaking down the barriers and stigma that some women face when accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare, the hubs will offer services and advice related to contraception, medical termination of pregnancy, referral for surgical termination of pregnancy and sexual health testing and treatment.

Delivering care closer to home, both locations will also help patients avoid long-term health issues – reducing delays in treatment and alleviating pressure on the health system by decreasing presentations and demand on hospitals.

Mill Park and Wallan are two of an additional nine hubs to be established across the state as part of the Labor Government’s $153 million investment in the Victorian Budget 2023/24 to completely transform how women’s health issues are treated in Victoria.

Hub locations have been chosen based on areas where there is limited access to and high demand for sexual and reproductive health services.

A new regional hub was announced for Mildura earlier this year – joining the 11 sites already operating across the state, including Footscray, Dandenong, Ringwood East, Frankston, Ballarat, Bendigo, Wodonga and Gippsland.

The Labor Government is also establishing 20 new comprehensive women’s health clinics to provide free comprehensive care and support for Victorians experiencing conditions like endometriosis, pelvic pain, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and those managing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

While last month, it was announced that access to the surgical termination of pregnancy procedure will be expanded to Eastern Health, Peninsula Health and Western Health – removing the need to travel to inner city Melbourne with services made available closer to home. 

For more details, please visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas

“The two new hubs are part of our ongoing efforts to deliver equity in healthcare across Victoria – accessing high quality sexual and reproductive healthcare should not be limited by a person’s circumstance or address.”

“These hubs will mean women can access sexual and reproductive healthcare when and where they need it – reducing delays in care and in some instances, the progression of longer-term health issues.”

Quote attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Women’s Health Kat Theophanous

“Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare should never be hindered by where you live, your economic status or your background – that’s why these hubs are a critical part of our healthcare system.”

Quote attributable to Member for Mill Park Lily D’Ambrosio

“The new Mill Park hub will transform the way sexual and reproductive health care is delivered to local women, girls and gender diverse people, ensuring they get the support and treatment they deserve.”

Quote attributable to Member for Kalkallo Ros Spence

“Women in Melbourne’s north will soon be able to reliably access low cost or free sexual and reproductive healthcare without a referral in a safe and supportive setting.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage

“These hubs will mean women in our community can access sexual and reproductive healthcare when and where they need it – reducing delays in care and in some instances, the progression of longer-term health issues.”

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