Honouring The Fallen On National Police Remembrance Day

Thursday 29 September 2016

Hundreds have gathered to pay tribute to Victoria’s fallen police officers as part of the National Police Remembrance Day memorial service at Kings Domain.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Police Lisa Neville joined senior members of Victoria Police to reflect and honour the service and dedication of officers who have given their lives for the Victorian community.

Hundreds attended the march and service at the Victoria Police Memorial at Kings Domain to remember the 159 police officers killed while serving the force over the past 163 years.

The Premier and Minister both laid a wreath at the service to commemorate the fallen.

Guests included Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton, The Hon. Linda Dessau, Governor of Victoria, and members of Victoria Police’s Executive Command.

Today’s service also paid tribute to Senior Constable Maurice Moore – who was killed 30 years ago while patrolling late at night in Maryborough.

To mark the anniversary, the Blue Ribbon Foundation has dedicated the Urgent Care Centre at Maryborough Hospital in his memory.

Blue Ribbon Day is held each year on 29 September to coincide with National Police Remembrance Day.

The Blue Ribbon Foundation raises money for improved emergency facilities named in memory of fallen officers.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

"Today, on National Police Remembrance Day, we recognise the ultimate sacrifice made by 159 brave Victorian police officers."

"Their stories reveal the very best of us: strength, commitment, integrity. To them, we say: we will remember you."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“This is the time for all Victorians to reflect and honour the sacrifice of our police officers who work tirelessly to keep us safe.”

“National Police Remembrance Day is a reminder of the challenging and dangerous work our police do every day to keep the community safe, and commemorates those who lost their lives on the front line.”