Home Of The Pink Lake – Putting Sea Lake On The Tourist Map

Thursday 30 September 2021

The Victorian Government is backing Sea Lake’s potential to capitalise on northern Victoria’s natural beauty, which will drive tourists to the region and create more jobs.

Minister for Regional Development Mary-Anne Thomas today opened the new Sea Lake Visitor Information Centre and toured a new viewing platform, both designed to encourage more visitors to the region.

Sea Lake’s new Visitor Information Centre has been backed by $300,000 funding from the Victorian Government’s Building Works program. It includes a central tourism hub, indigenous art gallery and gift shop and is 10 minutes from Lake Tyrrell.

Known for its pink beauty, Lake Tyrrell is 120,000 years old, making it the largest and oldest salt lake in Victoria.

The Government’s $2.8 million investment at Lake Tyrrell was supported by the Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund and includes a new viewing platform and car park, with toilets at the southern end of the lake. These upgrades will boost the local economy by encouraging more people to stay in the region longer.

Lake Tyrrell has become a niche tourist destination, often featured on international websites which showcase what Australia has to offer. However, due to a lack of infrastructure for visitors, it has not been able to meet its potential.

Both the Visitor Information Centre and the new works at the lake will enable the Buloke Shire to promote more tourism opportunities and create jobs. The Lake Tyrrell works will also minimise environmental impacts and protect it for future generations.

The projects are among a number of recent Victorian Government investments to improve visitor experiences in the region, including the community-led Bounce Back Buloke volunteer reactivation project, Buloke Shire Streetscape Renewal funding and night-time activation for the Buloke Silo Art Trail.

The Building Works package and the Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund are part of the Victorian Government’s almost $30 billion investment in regional and rural Victoria since 2015. For more information go to rdv.vic.gov.au.

Quote attributable to Minister for Regional Development Mary-Anne Thomas

“This project will boost visitation to Sea Lake while creating more jobs – ensuring Victoria continues to have our nation’s most vibrant, sustainable and successful regional economies.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Sea Lake’s new Visitor Information Centre will become a tourism hub for the Mallee and provide a central information point for visitors from throughout Australia and overseas as we progressively re-open our borders.”

Quote attributable to Buloke Shire Council Mayor Daryl Warren

This project has the potential to be the centerpiece of tourism in this part of Victoria. Lake Tyrrell is a powerful place and it is tremendous to have amenities that emulate the surrounds and add to the experience.”

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