High-Tech Cops: More Investment In Police Technology

Monday 12 February 2018

Police officers across the state will soon patrol with body-worn cameras and be closer to the cutting edge of crime fighting thanks to a multi-million-dollar investment from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Police Lisa Neville today announced the commencement of the first stage of the Victoria Police state-wide roll out of body worn cameras.

A trial of 200 cameras will be rolled out to police in Epping and Ballarat in April, as part of the Labor Government’s plan to deliver 11,000 cameras by 2020 to police across the state.

The investment forms a part of the Government’s $596 million Public Safety Package announced in the Victorian Budget 2016/17 and supports recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence which called for the trial and evaluation of body worn cameras to collect statements from victims to use as evidence in court.

Body worn cameras will support better and more efficient justice outcomes and aim to reduce trauma for victims of family violence.

Police will use the technology to gather evidence which may be used in court for greater transparency and decision making including the ability to capture real-time video evidence of the scene of an incident.

This is one of the most comprehensive roll-outs of body worn camera across the country – which will see Victoria become a leader is this type of technology.

Other states, including New South Wales and Queensland, have also adopted the technology with great success.

In August last year, the Labor Government introduced new laws to ensure police officers can legally use body-worn cameras in their daily duties.

The Justice Legislation (Body-worn Cameras and Other Matters) Act 2017 is the first tranche of legislation to support the use of body‐worn cameras as the devices are rolled-out in coming months.

The Public Safety Package includes funding for new police, new state-of-the-art equipment, mobile technology, and a $15 million 24/7Monitoring and Assessment Centre to ensure police can rapidly respond to major incidents.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Victoria Police will soon have some of the most advanced technology in the country thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s investment in new equipment and intelligence.”

“Body worn cameras will be a critical tool to respond to family violence issues and other crimes in our community.”

“Information is the lifeblood of modern policing, and this technology will build on our huge investments in frontline policing and help keep Victorians safe.”