Hi-Tech Monitoring Hub Helps Police Tackle Real-Time Crime

Friday 30 December 2016

A state-of-the-art, New York-style surveillance centre built by the Andrews Labor Government will put Victoria Police at the cutting edge of fighting real-time crime.

Minister for Police Lisa Neville today opened the $15 million new Victoria Police Monitoring Assessment Centre on Flinders Street, which will go live for the first time on New Year’s Eve.

The hub is similar to New York’s Real Time Crime Centre. It is a networked monitoring centre that gives police real-time access to information so they can stop crime in the first place, detect emerging incidents more quickly – and respond before they escalate.

The centre will channel data 24 hours a day seven days a week from across Victoria Police, including the Air Wing, the State Police Operations Centre, State Control Centre and Police emergency communications centre. Live feeds from CCTV across Melbourne’s CBD will keep city revellers safe.

It will be staffed by police and a dedicated team of science, technology, engineering and mathematical analysts to help police interpret data. Real-time monitoring of social media will also help protect community safety across the state.

Premier Daniel Andrews travelled to New York this year to observe how the New York Police Department runs its real-time centre.

The Labor Government is driving a technological transformation across Victoria Police, giving our crime fighters the most up-to-date tools they need to prevent, disrupt and detect crime.

We are giving police new mobile devices, body-worn cameras and intelligence and analysis systems. Highway Patrol cars will be fitted with new automated numberplate recognition technology. We’re also funding more forensic labs, a new training centre for specialist police, and a new Air Wing.

The Victoria Police Monitoring Assessment Centre is part of the Labor Government’s record boost to police resources – including 3135 additional sworn police over five years, on top of attrition, and our $2 billion Community Safety Statement 2017.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“The way Victorians communicate has changed, and police must keep pace. This Centre keeps police ahead of the game with a dedicated team to be the eyes and ears over our state.”

“This hub will help frontline police track offenders across Melbourne and Victoria, and help prevent public order crimes planned on social media.”

“This Centre will download live feeds from CCTV cameras in the CBD, which will help keep New Year’s Eve revellers safe.”