Helping Victorians Recover From All Emergencies

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Bushfire Recovery Victoria will expand its responsibilities and lead the state’s recovery from major disasters to ensure that Victorian communities build back better, safer and stronger after emergencies.

Soon to be known as Emergency Recovery Victoria, the agency will lead the long-term recovery process following all major emergencies, such as delivering key services to affected communities, planning, grants and investment, understanding local needs, and empowering communities to shape their recovery journey.

The move fulfils a key recommendation of the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s inquiry into the 2019-20 bushfire season, which called for the establishment of an all-emergencies entity to drive system and state-wide improvements for recovery from fire, flood, storm and other events.

The agency will continue to be within the Department of Justice and Community Safety, with Mariela Diaz continuing as CEO.

BRV was established in January 2020 amid a catastrophic bushfire season and has the experience and track record to lead future recoveries. BRV delivered the clean-up effort across fire-affected areas in 2020, rolled out innovative short-term modular housing, and coordinated millions of dollars in grants for people, businesses and communities.

BRV was also responsible for recovery efforts following the June 2021 flood and storm, including the successful clean-up of more than 1,000 properties.

After the fires, and for the first time following a disaster in Australia, Aboriginal Culture and Healing was declared a key pillar of recovery alongside built, natural, social and economic recovery. BRV will continue this nation-leading work as part of helping communities recover from disasters.

In the lead up to the transition, Bushfire Recovery Victoria will continue to work with communities currently recovering from bushfire, storm and flood, and there will be no disruption in services or support. Future updates for the community about the new agency will be made at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services Jaclyn Symes

“Victorians will be supported by one agency throughout the period of recovery – no matter what the emergency. This will make it easier for those going through the recovery process by having a one-stop shop for whatever they need to get their lives back on track.”

“This change simply builds on the excellent work that BRV have already done establishing themselves in communities and helps them expand those efforts across Victoria.”

Quote attributable to Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp APM

“This was a key recommendation from the inquiry into the worst bushfires in our history, and the new agency’s enhanced integration within emergency management will ensure a seamless shift from response to recovery.”

Quote attributable to Bushfire Recovery Victoria CEO Mariela Diaz

“As a permanent, coordinator, leader and service-provider for recovery, we will be standing with communities for the long-haul following all types of emergencies.”

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