Helping Veterans And Their Families Call Victoria Home

Friday 13 October 2017

New online resources are now available to help veterans settle and find a new career in Victoria after leaving the Australian Defence Force.

Victoria is attracting over 500 veterans as new residents each year and the Andrews Labor Government is making it easier for them to access services and find a job.

Transitioning out of the Australian Defence Force into civilian life can be a difficult time for veterans, which is what this extra support seeks to address.

Transition to Victoria Guide includes information about career opportunities with the Victorian Public Sector and support services for families, health, public transport and housing.

It also highlights the skills and experiences veterans bring to the public sector, and provides advice and interview tips to help veterans apply for jobs.

The guide is part of the Labor Government’s Public Sector Veterans Employment Strategy – a key part of our response to the Victorian Veterans Sector Study Report 2015 – and it’s ongoing work to safeguard the welfare of our veterans and better understand the needs of our ex-servicemen and women.

The Labor Government is getting on with helping 250 young veterans find jobs in the public sector through the strategy, and this guide will assist in reaching that goal.

To access the guide and support services, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Veterans John Eren

“Victoria has the best of everything – big events, great schools and more jobs than anywhere in the country.”

“We want to ensure Australian Defence Force members and their families have all the information and support they need to call Victoria home.”

Quote attributable to Major General David McLachlan AO (Retd)

“This is an excellent opportunity for veterans to engage in rewarding employment in the Victorian Public Sector.”