Helping Local Communities Tackle Fruit Fly

Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is helping local communities manage fruit fly in Victoria’s key horticultural areas with targeted grants announced today.

The $6.7 million Managing Fruit Fly – Regional Grants Program will support projects to manage fruit fly activities across the areas of Greater Sunraysia, the Yarra Valley and the Goulburn Valley.

Victoria’s horticultural industry has a farm gate value of around $2.4 billion and is our state’s fastest growing export.

With Victorian horticulture exports valued at $1.2 billion in 2015-16, it’s more important than ever to protect and invest in the sector.

The first round of funding is available to horticulture industry organisations, community groups, local governments and educational institutions – with a second round of funding to be opened in 2017.

Fruit flies pose a significant threat to Victoria’s growing horticulture industry, disrupting production and trade worldwide.

Species such as Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) are present in Victoria and need effective management to reduce their impact.

In the three regions, plans have been developed by Local Fruit Fly Regional Governance Groups comprising of industry, state and local government and the community.

The grants will support the delivery of the Regional Action Plans aligned to the Labor Government’s Managing Fruit Fly Action Plan 2015-2020.

Grant applications need to align with the local Regional Action Plan and require endorsement from the relevant Regional Governance Group. Grants of up to $1 million are available per organisation and applications must be submitted before December 18.

More information is available at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Whether it's supporting SPC suppliers or helping those who've been hit by recent storm damage in the Sunraysia region, we’re putting people first across regional Victoria.”

“Getting a lid on our fruit fly problem is essential to grow markets and jobs for these communities.”

“Our horticulture exports are the fastest growing commodity in the state, increasing by more the 26 per cent in the last year – we’ll work hard to protect and grow the industry.”