Helping Geelong’s Auto Industry Change Gear

Friday 16 September 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today announced a $71,000 funding boost to provide auto supply chain business Backwell IXL with intensive business support to plan for their future.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan and Member for Geelong Christine Couzens visited Backwell and MHG Glass to make the announcement.

The Labor Government has always supported automotive manufacturing in Victoria and we will continue to work hard to minimise the impact of the impending closure of automotive manufacturing on businesses, workers and their families who were abandoned by the Liberals.

MHG Glass is another Geelong-based company to have already received assistance under Automotive Supply Chain Transition Program (ASCTP).

The funding for Backwell builds on the $590,000 provided to 29 Victorian automotive supply chain companies under the program, which was established to help businesses identify future opportunities and new markets.

As part of the initiative, eligible supply chain companies stand to receive a suite of assistance valued at up to $71,000 to engage the services of a suitably qualified industry specialist to help develop a plan for transition.

This program is part of the Labor Government’s $46.5 million Automotive Transition Plan to help Victorian automotive businesses transition into new markets, retrain and find sustainable new work for workers, and attract investment into the communities most affected by the closure of automotive manufacturing.

Automotive supply chain companies wishing to apply for ASCTP assistance, or specialist companies seeking to deliver transition projects for the program, are urged to visit or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“The Andrews Labor Government is targeting our assistance towards the many businesses in the auto supply chain who will be impacted by the closure of car manufacturing in Victoria.”

“We know Geelong will be one of the communities hardest hit, this funding will help these local auto businesses put themselves and their workers on a strong footing into the future.” 

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

"The closure of Victoria's car manufacturing industry has severely affected the Geelong community. The Andrews Labor Government is standing by Geelong businesses and Geelong workers to ensure this city's future."

“By providing assistance to businesses such as Backwell we are helping them identify opportunities and target markets.”