Ground Up Approach to Tackle Fruit Fly in Goulburn Valley

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Efforts to support the Goulburn Valley’s $485 million horticulture industry will focus on local backyards where gardeners are being encouraged to do their part in the fight against Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF).

Meeting local growers in the Goulburn Valley today, Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, launched the Ground Up campaign to help bring growers and gardeners in the community together to manage QFF.

A wetter than average summer in 2015 has seen higher fruit fly numbers across the region and autumn is a crucial time to stop home gardens being a refuge for QFF to lay eggs for hatching next season.

The Ground Up campaign focuses on the Goulburn Valley community working together to ensure gardens are cleaned of old and decaying fruit and that backyard fruit trees are properly managed to reduce QFF numbers next season.

The Department of Economic Development, Jobs Transport and Resources will oversee the development and delivery of QFF management information from its Horticulture Centre of Excellence at Tatura.

Ms Pulford last night met with Greater Shepparton Council to discuss the Ground Up campaign.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford

“The Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting Goulburn Valley’s $485 million horticulture industry by providing resources to help gardeners to better manage Queensland Fruit Fly in their own backyards.”

“This is about growers, gardeners and government working together to share local fruit fly management know-how for the benefit of all the community.”

“We will continue to work with the horticultural industry and growers across the region on ways to improve the management of Queensland Fruit Fly.”

Key facts

  • The Ground Up: Managing fruit fly together in the Goulburn Valley campaign includes but is not limited to:
  • Ask an Expert information sessions at the Horticulture Centre of Excellence at Tatura.
  • Train the Trainer sessions for community members so they can run local ‘how-to’ sessions.
  • Attendance at local events and field days to promote ways the community can help manage QFF.
  • Schools competition to get local kids involved and promote being active in the garden to families.
  • Local media campaign to generate awareness of the problem and options for managing gardens.
  • Printed and online ‘how-to’ resources detailing the best ways to manage QFF.