Greens Party Vote Against Funding For Disadvantaged Kids

Friday 13 February 2015

The Green Party today voted to oppose legislation that will provide funding certainty for disadvantaged children in non-government schools across Victoria.

By voting against the Education Training and Reform Amendment (Funding for Non-Government Schools) Bill the Greens Party has voted against funding for disadvantaged kids.

Our independent and catholic schools  cater to a wide range of communities around the state, serving unique and diverse cultural, religious and social needs.

Unlike the Greens Party, the Andrews Labor Government is committed to supporting each and every student in Victoria, particularly those in disadvantaged communities, regardless of their background or the school they attend.

This legislation will support schools such as Our Lady of Lourdes School in Sam Hibbins’ electorate in Prahran, a small community school of 82 children and 59 families with a diversity of ethnic, cultural and socio-economically backgrounds, with students requiring additional support.

Or in Ellen Sandell's electorate in Melbourne, St Michael's School in North Melbourne, a school with 37 per cent of its 120 students in the bottom SES quartile for the country.

Sacred Heart Primary in St Albans is another school that the Greens Party would see miss out, with 240 students, 87 per cent from non-English Speaking Backgrounds, and with a high proportion of students from a refugee background and an overall socioeconomic status well below the national average.

St Joseph’s Parish Primary School in Springvale epitomises the kind of school community that this legislation will support – a school of almost 700 students, 97 per cent of coming from a non-English speaking background and 47 per cent of student in the bottom SES quartile for the country.

These are all schools struggling to do the best by their students with limited resources at their disposal.

These kids deserve the same funding certainty and educational opportunities as kids in government schools.

Ellen Sandell and Sam Hibbins should be ashamed of themselves.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Education, James Merlino

“The Greens Party are more concerned about attacking the Labor Government than tackling educational disadvantage.”

“This is a disgraceful display by the Greens Party and a slap in the face to every parent, teacher and student at a non-government school.”

“Unlike the Greens Party, the Andrews Labor Government will support each and every student in Victoria to receive the best possible education, regardless of the school they attend.”