Green Light For Whittlesea Adult Respite Centre

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Construction of a new six bed adult respite facility in the City of Whittlesea will begin as soon as a site has been identified by the council.

The Andrews Labor Government will fund up to $2.5 million for land and construction of the development, which will provide families who care for people with a disability an important break from their daily responsibilities.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley today joined Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green to announce the funding, which comes in response to concerns from the Whittlesea community about the need for more respite in the area to meet growing demand.

The Labor Government will now work with the City of Whittlesea and Respite Alliance Whittlesea to identify a suitable service provider for the new facility.

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme continues to roll out, it is important that people with a disability have a wide range of choices including provision of short term accommodation and support options which often provide much needed respite for families.

The roll-out has already started in Whittlesea, and once the scheme is fully implemented it will benefit around 105,000 people Victoria-wide.

The NDIS is the biggest reform in how Australian governments provide services since the introduction of Medicare and will be putting people with a disability, their families and carers at the centre of the system.

The Labor Government will be investing $2.5 billion per year into the scheme by 2019.

Later this year, the Government will also release the State Disability Plan to outline its vision for the next four years, ensuring people with a disability can participate fully in everyday life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“Families that need respite should be able to access services when they need it.”

“We are working hard to ensure people with a disability and the sector are well supported through this significant change and have the information and the tools they need to get the most out of the NDIS.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

“I pay special tribute to the members of Respite Alliance Whittlesea who have worked hard to have high-quality respite facilities here in Whittlesea.”