Green Lake Rejuvenation Works Set To Start

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Western Victorians will continue to enjoy Green Lake for years to come as one of region’s favourite recreation sites, as rejuvenation work gets underway this week, funded by the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville said the project will deliver a new layer of clay at the base of the lake to reduce seepage issues.

The $2 million Bringing Water Back to Green Lake project will repair the lake bed so Green Lake can remain a valued community retreat and important visitor destination for the area.

Following the release of Water for Victoria, government agencies have been collaborating closely with community groups to drive more water-based recreational outcomes across Victoria, such as those at Green Lake.

Additionally, new legislation is being introduced to the Victorian Parliament to enshrine recreational water values in law for the first time, ensuring they are considered by water managers such as water corporations, Catchment Management Authorities and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder.

The Green Lake Recreation Reserve will be temporarily closed to the public while construction works are taking place.

This community led initiative is being delivered by Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water with support from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Buloke Shire on behalf of the Green Lake Committee of Management.

This initiative forms part of the Labor Government’s statewide water plan Water for Victoria, which acknowledges the recreational values of our waterways as well as the significant social, cultural and economic benefits they provide.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“I’m proud to deliver these improvements to Green Lake which will ensure this site remains a valued community recreational hub for years to come.”

"I've heard the local community about Green Lake, and I know how important this project is - this is another exciting step in delivering it."

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Green Lake is a beautiful and highly popular feature of Buloke Shire. It’s fantastic to see water being returned to the lake to benefit the Sea Lake community and visitors.”