Great Jobs For More Victorians On City-Shaping Creative Project

Tuesday 30 April 2024

More apprentices, cadets and construction workers are kickstarting their careers with hands-on training on the Allan Labor Government’s once-in-a-generation Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation project, where construction is forging ahead.

Minister for Creative Industries and Development Victoria Colin Brooks and Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins today toured the site of the future The Fox: NGV Contemporary gallery at the Arts Precinct and met with apprentices and workers that are bringing the project to life.

The Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation will deliver Australia’s largest contemporary art and design gallery, The Fox: NGV Contemporary, significant upgrades to Arts Centre Melbourne’s Theatres Building, and a new 18,000 square metre, art-filled urban garden that will be a must-see destination in its own right.

From carpentry, demolition to flooring, fire services and project management, more than 11,000 new jobs are being created during construction on Australia’s biggest cultural infrastructure project. 

This city-shaping project is also giving Victorians the training they need to kick-start a rewarding career in construction, with 30 roles for cadets and apprentices already created across the project and contractors already exceeding their required apprentice hours.

The Labor Government’s Local Jobs First Policy is putting Victorians workers and businesses first by making sure small and medium size local businesses are being engaged and that all contractors provide opportunities for local workers, apprentices, trainees and cadets on this landmark project.

It’s projects like these that are backing Victoria’s nation-leading jobs growth. 

Since September 2020, more than 560,000 new jobs have been created across the state – a nation-leading figure. Latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data released showing an extra 5,800 Victorians found jobs in March, propelling the total working population to more than 3.7 million. 

Find out more about the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation Project at 

Quote attributable to Minister for Creative Industries and Minister for Development Victoria Colin Brooks 

“Our creative industry is the heart of our community – that’s why we’re backing local workers to build this epic home of fine art, culture and creativity which will also attract thousands of visitors and thousands of local jobs.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Jobs and Industry Natalie Hutchins

“This city-shaping project is giving the next generation of skilled workers and apprentices the training they need to get the job they want on our pipeline of nation leading infrastructure projects.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Skills and TAFE Gayle Tierney

"Apprentices and trainees are taking centre stage in the construction of this landmark arts and cultural project, securing training opportunities to help create the skilled workforce essential to our community and economy."

Quote attributable to Member for Albert Park Nina Taylor

“This project will deliver long-lasting benefits for our local cafes, restaurants, hotels and retailers – which will all get a boost from extra visitors coming to our city to enjoy the amazing creative and cultural offerings on display.”

Quote attributable to MAP Co Director and CEO Katrina Sedgwick

“This ambitious project is not just about physical transformation, it extends into nurturing talent and fostering a vibrant community of creativity. As the project progresses, we’re seeing first-hand the profound impact it is having on our city’s cultural identity and its economic vitality.”

Quote attributable to Development Victoria CEO Angela Skandarajah

“It’s fantastic to see we are supporting local apprentices, trainees and cadets to build on their skills and gain valuable work experience on such a significant project as the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation.”

Quotes attributable to Director of NGV Tony Ellwood AM

“The economic impact of our state’s Creative Industries truly cannot be overstated. Through the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation, thousands of Victorians will be employed, with many more finding permanent positions into the future.”