Grampians Peaks Trail Works Begin – Stage Two

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Work has begun on Stage Two of the iconic Grampians Peaks Trail Project thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Stage Two works will provide upgrades to 60kms of existing track on the Grampians Peaks Trail while planning, mapping and research is underway for approximately 84kms of new sections of the trail.

When complete, the trail is expected to create 35 full-time jobs, generate 86,000 visitor nights in the region and boost the local economy by $6.4 million per year.

The 144 kilometre Trail will offer a world-class, continuous walking experience from Mt Zero in the north of the Grampians National Park to Dunkeld in the south.

The trail will cover spectacular peaks, stunning scenery and rich cultural heritage to provide one of Victoria’s most breathtaking and iconic walks.

As part of the Stage 2 works, upgrades have begun at Piccaninny Walk in the southern end of the Grampians near Dunkeld and will see upgrades to 1.4kms of track with new gravel laid and stone steps removed from the carpark.

A feature of these works will be 66 metres of hand crafted rock steps using stone present on site which will improve access across the creek. The Piccaninny upgrades are due for completion in June this year.

The Andrews Labor Government will provide $20.2 million for the project and the Commonwealth Government has promised $10 million.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“Stage Two of the Grampians Peak Trail works are now well underway to upgrade existing sections of the track to provide visitors with a better walking experience, bringing tourism to regional Victoria and jobs to the Grampians.”

“When complete, the Grampians Peaks Trail will be a world-class, long-distance walking experience, showcasing the very best of Victoria’s natural beauty.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“This project will bring tourists to regional Victoria, jobs to the Grampians region, and visitors into the heart of this pristine natural environment.”

“Regional Victoria deserves to have the best of everything. Once complete, the Grampians Peaks Trail will put the region firmly on the map as a destination not to miss.”