Government Invests $1 Million To Grow Jobs In Geelong

Friday 4 March 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with creating jobs in Geelong by investing $1 million in the G21 Region Opportunities for Work (GROW) project.

In Geelong today, the Treasurer Tim Pallas announced the grant from the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, approved by Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford.

With this funding, the Labor Government is helping tackle joblessness in key locations in the G21 region – Corio, Norlane, Whittington and Colac.

By the end of the first five years of the project the expected benefits are up to:

  • 500 jobs outcomes to be created in the G21 region
  • 10 piloted social procurement and investment projects commenced
  • 500 businesses/organisations in the G21 region will be active participants in the project

The GROW project has been developed by Give Where You Live together in partnership with the G21 Geelong Region Alliance in response to employment challenges facing these locations.

GROW guides the efforts of numerous stakeholders working together to create new jobs and investment opportunities. The project deals with the known correlation between unemployment and disadvantage.

GROW’s strategic approach will deliver a range of direct economic and community development benefits.

The Labor Government’s $1 million investment will support the initial start-up and ramp-up phases of the ten year GROW project.

This funding builds on the Labor Government’s recent $3 million investment to support a state-of-the-art manufacturing hub in Geelong, which will also support jobs and stimulate local commercial enterprise.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“The Andrews Labor Government is investing in Geelong to support jobs creation and drive economic development.”

“Our $1 million investment in the GROW project shows how Labor is getting on with supporting Geelong during a period of transition and tackling disadvantage in areas that need it most.”

Quotes attributable to Minster for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

The Andrews Labor Government is focused on building stronger regional communities and creating more regional jobs, and the boost to the GROW project will help deliver on that.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“This is a great boost for GROW and an exciting and innovative approach that will support people into real jobs in Whittington, Norlane, Corio and Colac.”