Goldfields Are Go!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Pioneering community project Go Goldfields has a secure future thanks to $2 million in funding announced today by Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos.

Ms Mikakos said the $2 million in additional funds over three years would enable the Go Goldfields alliance of community organisations to continue its work in improving the wellbeing and education of children, teenagers and families in the Central Goldfields Shire.

Go Goldfields develops local strategies to tackle high unemployment rates and a range of poor health indicators – such as high rates of child protection notifications. The strategies are community driven and focus on prevention and early intervention.

The new funding package, to be provided over the next three years, will be in the 2015-16 State Budget under the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, allowing Go Goldfields to focus on stronger families, family violence and at-risk young people.

Ms Mikakos joined representatives from Central Goldfields Shire, Maryborough District Health Service, Maryborough Regional Library and local parents and children to announce the funding and launch an innovative early literacy DVD, developed by the local community, at Maryborough Regional Library today.

Called Learning Starts Early, the DVD raises awareness about the importance of literacy for young children and provides local families with practical assistance to develop their children’s reading and writing skills.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

“Go Goldfields has achieved much in the Central Goldfields region, and we’re supporting them in our first budget so that they can achieve even more.”

“The best solutions for local problems come from local communities. The work already done by Go Goldfields, such as boosting communication and literacy skills, is proof of that.”

“We are determined to ensure that all areas of Victoria benefit from our state’s economic growth.”