Getting Victorians Back To Work

Sunday 3 April 2016

The Andrews Labor Government’s Back to Work Scheme has been a resounding success with the numbers released today showing more than 24,000 claims were made for the hiring and training of eligible employees.

The $100 million scheme – which was fully subscribed and closed on 18 July 2016 – has helped employers take on disadvantaged jobseekers since it was introduced in April 2015.

Since the Labor Government came to office in 2014, there have been more than 162,000 new jobs created. From November 2014 to the time of the scheme’s closure, there were 110,000 full time jobs created.

The scheme – which was an election commitment – was expanded last year to provide additional support to employers who hired disadvantaged job seekers.

It gathered extraordinary momentum, with accelerated hiring and training of apprentices, young unemployed, retrenched workers and the long-term unemployed.

$15 million will be set aside for dairy workers and automotive workers, who have been affected by the recent downturns in these industries.  These workers will continue to benefit from the scheme.

The scheme has also contributed $6 million to the establishment of four pilot interventions in areas of socio-economic disadvantage and workers in transition in Victoria, as well as $15 million to support disadvantaged workers through Jobs Victoria.

Victoria’s youth unemployment rate (12 month average) also continues to fall, and is now 2 per cent lower than 12 months ago.

Victoria has seen unemployment fall to 5.7 per cent which is significantly lower than the 6.6 per cent inherited from the previous Coalition Government.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“We’ve helped thousands of Victorians who have found it hard to get a job to get back to work.” 

“We’ve created more than 162,000 jobs in just 18 months – far more than the former Coalition Government created in four long years.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“We said we would create more jobs for Victorians and we’re getting it done.”

“Our Jobs Victoria program will build on the results of the Back to Work scheme and will help thousands of disadvantaged Victorians find work and keep it.”