Getting Things Done For Apprentices And Trainees

Monday 27 November 2017

Victorian apprentices are getting to hone their skills on some of the world’s best cars thanks to an industry partnership between Kangan Institute’s Automotive Centre of Excellence in Docklands and Zagame Motorsport.

Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney today joined Victorian Skills Commissioner Neil Coulson, apprentices and industry leaders at Kangan Institute in Docklands to release the Rebalance and Relaunch Report.

The report, commissioned by Ms Tierney in April, focuses on the changing needs of apprentices and trainees in Victoria and what more can be done to ensure industry is getting the skilled workforce it needs.

Written in consultation with industry, employers, unions and the training sector, the report found apprenticeships need to be better aligned to labour market demand, something the Andrews Labor Government is addressing.

While the Government has grown apprenticeship commencements at TAFE by 8.2 per cent in the six months to June 2017, the report highlights the need to raise the profile of apprenticeships and traineeships more generally.

The TAFE Will Take You There campaign is already helping to do that – showing perspective students and their parents where vocational education and training can take you, which is into well-paid, highly respected careers.

The Labor Government has also introduced tax relief for businesses that employ displaced apprentices or trainees.

The Government is also ensuring apprentices, trainees and engineering cadets get to work on some of the state’s biggest infrastructure projects through the Major Project Skills Guarantee.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 included $8.2 million for Apprenticeship Support Officers, which help our apprentices stick with their training so they can get a job.

Skills First is helping reinvigorate Victoria’s training and TAFE system – ensuring everyone has access to high quality training that gives them the skills they need to secure the rewarding jobs they want.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

“Apprentices and trainees are the future of our workforce.”

“Apprenticeships are often undervalued and overlooked by school leavers, we’re working to change that view and make things fair.”

“While we’ve spent three years investing heavily in fixing the training sector, there is always more that needs to be done and we’re getting on with it.”

Quotes attributable to Victorian Skills Commissioner Neil Coulson

“Now is the time to re-assert the value of apprenticeships and traineeships and stress the central role they can play in powering our economy and establishing our young people in vibrant careers.”

"There is potential for apprenticeships and traineeships to once again be a key feature of workforce preparation, youth transition and economic renewal.”