Getting More Kids Into Sport And Physical Activity

Tuesday 24 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is helping more students to be physically active by easing the financial pressures schools experience in relation to interschool sport.

Minister for Education James Merlino today announced 300 primary, secondary and specialist schools across Victoria will share in the $1.1 million Active Kids initiative.

Funding will be allocated to schools on a needs basis, to help them overcome cost barriers to participate in interschool sport. This will ensure support is provided to students who need it the most.

The initiative will help schools pay for costs such as equipment, uniforms, transport, entry fees, coaching, venue hire and coverage of relief teachers.

The Active Kids initiative, announced as part of the Victorian Budget 2018/19, will encourage more students to reap the benefits of participating in sport and physical activity.

It’s all part of the Labor Government’s commitment to meet the Education State target of increasing the proportion of students taking part in physical activity five times a week.

Encouraging students to be more active increases the proportion of kids participating in physical activity, making them happier, healthier and more resilient.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“Happy, healthy students are better students and interschool sports are a great way to engage children in physical activity.”

“We know that the cost of interschool sports can be a barrier to participation, which is why we’re helping students that need it the most cover those costs.”