Getting It Done – Leading The Nation In Job Creation

Thursday 15 February 2018

New data shows more jobs have been created in Victoria since November 2014 than anywhere else in the nation.

In that time, Victoria’s employment has been boosted by almost 11 per cent, with more than 316,000 people securing jobs since the Andrews Labor Government came to office – the largest increase in both absolute and percentage terms of all Australian states.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data released today confirms that, in the past 12 months alone to January 2018, Victoria’s employment rose by 100,200 people (up 3.2 per cent).

In more good news, Victoria's unemployment rate decreased 0.5 percentage points – the largest decrease of all mainland states – to 5.6 per cent, well down from the 6.7 per cent inherited from the former Liberal government.

Since November 2014, Victoria’s full-time employment increased by 197,900 persons or 10 per cent – the highest growth rate in Australia.

Part-time employment increased by 118,900 persons or 12.5 per cent – the largest increase in absolute terms among the states and the second highest increase in percentage terms.

Today’s strong jobs data follows Monday’s NAB Business Survey which confirmed that Victorian business conditions got off to a strong start in 2018, with an increase of five points in January to +17 – two points higher than a year ago.

Thanks to the Labor Government’s prudent economic management and strategic investments, tens of thousands of Victorians are playing their part in the transformation of our state.

They can now kick-start their careers, provide for their families and contribute to their local communities.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“With business conditions up, and our investment in health, education and transport infrastructure all at record levels, it is no surprise that Victoria is leading the nation in job creation."

"Almost a third of a million jobs have been created in Victoria since we came to office. In anybody's language, that's getting things done."

Quote attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“Thanks to the Labor Government’s record investment in major projects that matter to Victorians, we’re creating jobs and supporting businesses – boosting our economy and making us the envy of the nation.”